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Virtual Dictionary

World Space

World space is the 3D co-ordinate system used inside any given virtual environment, to determine placement of objects within it.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for World Space:

Model Space


Space to Space

Spatial Data

View Space

World Space


Resources in our database matching the Term World Space:

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Linked resource
Messing with Tangent Space
Tangent space is sometimes called texture space. It is the co-ordinate systems for one face of any 3D skinned model. Use of tangent space, which this tutorial covers, is necessary to properly map a texture onto part of a 3D shape.

Linked resource
Spatial Representation of a Virtual World
How do you perceive space and spatial relationships between objects in a virtual environment. Rather easily if you are setting out to replicate the physical world. But that is too easy, it loses so many of the true advantages of VR, where space is irrelevant, and every room can be a TARDIS. This article looks at mapping that kind of a mess, beginning with text worlds, where such spatial irrelevancy is at its highest.

Linked resource
Augmented Reality, Designed for Space, Half a Century Behind Everyone Else
The European Space Agency (ESA) have released details of a new augmented reality interface they have been testing and how it actually benefits astronauts when in space. Quite scarily they actually believe they are the first organisation to implement an AR interface, according to their press release.

Locally Hosted resource
Sensor Web: A look at an Internet in Physical Space: AR Orientation
The Sensor web, is a long-anticipated faced of an augmented world. It is, in theory at least, a huge web of interconnected sensors, actuators, RFID, GPS, specialised routing controls, and augmented sensory hardware, all wired together into an immense web in physical space, facilitating Augmented Reality applications.

World Review: PeaceCity 3D
World Review: PeaceCity 3D welcome screen
PeaceCity 3D is an ActiveWorlds codebase based social VR platform. A single graphical world with its own installation program ? rare for an ActiveWorlds world, it is 750 metres wide and five kilometres long. A rectangular world with blank space around it, this unusual shape immediately sets it apart from the pack.
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Linked resource
An Introduction to World Building
A look at how world design is moving forwards, propelled by gameworlds. The size of the virtual landscapes is rapidly climbing, and the cost of hand-making objects for all that space is unfeasable. We therefore have to look at other methods for content generation.

This tome, written long before the Metaverse Roadmap, was one of the first large works to discuss how virtual spaces create entirely new kinds of space, and require mapping constructs and methodologies utterly alien to what had come before.

Locally Hosted resource
The Drive for Storage Space and Speed
More music; more films; more photography; more, more, more. More of everything seems drive this fetish for storage space and power. Yet is it just more, more, more, or can more actually equal better in VR?

World Review: Wizard101
World Review: Wizard101 welcome screen
Wizard101 is not a social space by any means; it is a pure gameworld, a massively multiplayer online system which is designed primarily with children in mind. It is a MMORPG that launched in late 2008. Within it, you play a schoolchild, about to enrol in the school of witchcraft and wizardry, based amongst the towers and parapets of a purpose built fortress-town.
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Industry News containing the Term World Space:

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French doctors carried out the world's first ever operation on a human in zero gravity on Wednesday, using a specially adapted aircraft to simulate conditions in space.

During a 3-hour flight from Bordeaux in southwest Franc...

July 23 - 25, 2007
Chicago, USA

The World Transhumanist Association is a global non-profit member organization dedicated to the ethical use of technology to expand human capacities. The WTA supports the development of ...

NASA Ames Research Centre, under the direction of Simon "Pete" Worden, has launched an island in Second Life, intended to act as a launching platform for public participation in NASA missions.

Worden, both in avatar form - ...

In a novel twist on the reality as a simulation idea, Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, USA, has he believes, stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time s...

Animal's brains are only roughly aware of how high-up they are in space, meaning that in terms of altitude the brain's 'map' of space is surprisingly flat, according to new research.

In a study published online today in N...